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Quality Christian Websites

The Williams Law Office LLC Aug. 15, 2022

If you’re going to waste a lot of time online, it might as well be at excellent web sites!

People with inquiring minds, beware – It is easy to spend many hours perusing these. (Needless to say, we do not necessarily endorse or agree with everything on these sites.)

« CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS AND RESEARCH MINISTRY An excellent, balanced, accurate site. A good site to research and document what different cults, sects, and movements teach. Many detailed examinations of false teachings, and lots of excellent apologetics information. Also has examinations of pagan and secular philosophies, and answers to Bible difficulties and tough questions skeptics ask.

« TRUE ORIGIN ARCHIVE Extensive archive of scholarly articles on paleontology, creationism, biology, etc..

« INSTITUTE FOR CREATION RESEARCH Many interesting articles relating to the Bible and science, scientific arguments for creation, etc..

«ANSWERS IN GENESIS This site has a large number of top- notch articles on the Bible, science, and evolution (click on the “answers” tab at the top of the home page), and a good store with quality DVDs and books.

«AMERICAN VISION Good source for info and materials on church- state relationship, moral issues in the public arena, Christian foundations of society, true vs. phony prophecy, etc. Many interesting titles in their excellent online store.

« NET BIBLE Scholarly Bible study tool. Lots of notes on every verse.

« SPIRITUAL GIFTS DISCOVERY TOOL this easy 108-question evaluation tool to see what spiritual gifts (natural God-given strong points, inclinations and abilities for service in the Church) you likely have.

«ANSWERS IN ACTION Many excellent scholarly articles, including apologetics (defending the faith against skeptics and hard questions), examinations of cults and religions, theology, urban legends, philosophy, etc..

« THE WAY OF THE MASTER A good site to show how to reach unchurched people (and some church people!) Store has excellent evangelism courses.

« WALLBUILDERS Extremely interesting, eye-opening site showing the Christian moral, religious, and constitutional foundations of our Republic. Should be, but never will be, required of every college, high school, and elementary student.


8/15/22, 8:18 PM Quality Christian Websites | The Williams Law Office, LLC

« ALPHA & OMEGA MINISTRIES Very good source of apologetics, articles on current controversies, Islam, etc.. Especially see list of debates and articles by James White, and their Store tab.

«WHO IS YOUR CREATOR Another source for information critiquing evolutionary thinking,

« GRACE ONLINE LIBRARY Articles and information covering many areas of theology and doctrine. A veritable mini-seminary education online.

« MATTHEW HENRY COMMENTARY A good complete, unabridged Commentary on the whole Bible. (Whitefield and Spurgeon’s favorite!) Select the Bible chapter you want explained, and this will open the proper part of the large six-volume commentary.

« C. S. LEWIS SOCIETY Strong scholarship defending the faith against skeptics and difficult questions on a wide range of topics.

« BIBLE GATEWAY This site lets you quickly look up any Bible passage in any of 18 different English translations, or in 31 foreign languages, or in the original Greek or Hebrew. You can also look up specific words and phrases.

« BANNER OF TRUTH For serious Bible students only – Information on excellent books available from a first-class English publisher of quality, well-reasoned books, tracts, book reviews, etc..


« THE CHURCH FATHERS Read English translations of most prominent early church leaders and teachers from the first centuries of the Church – a wonderful free library of the Ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers.

« CREATION.COM A site dealing with creation.
« STAND TO REASON Excellent articles on Postmodernism, relativism, etc..